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Old 11-22-2013, 04:00 AM
  # 19 (permalink)  
MissFixit's Avatar
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hi girl

i a glad that you and your daughters wont have to deal with the fallout from multiple felonies caused by your ah.

FWIW, i had a moment during my a relationship when my exa used really really bad judgement and he almost killed himself and three other people by accident. there were legal consequences that he dodged. he got off with a warning. at first i was mad and then thankful that they were all okay. I thought surely he must learn from that episode. he certainly talked about how he was a changed man yada yada yada. that "change" lasted about a month, maybe two.

I don't want to be a debbie downer, but i remember being really let down when the negative behavior returned as i thought that was the final aha moment for him but it wasn't.

my emotions rode the wave of how well or not he was doing and i didn't realize that was what i was doing. his bad judgement and unpredictability was still there it was just on hiatus at that moment.

hugs to you
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