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Old 06-02-2012, 12:24 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 253
My Journey, Step 7

Then, for the first time in the Twelve Steps, we ask God directly for help. We neither grovel, regarding our needs as shameful, nor do we demand, treating our needs as all-important. There are a variety of ways to ask. We may pray, meditate, visualize, write, speak aloud, or sing our requests, but whatever form we choose, we communicate our desire to be free of excess baggage. We simply speak from the heart.

I can do this. I am a writer and I am empathic. Sometimes I just need to realize that I have let go because I now know I can't do anything about it. That's all fine and good but the next step is asking for help from the only one who has the power to help and that is God. I have done a lot of thinking recently and regardless of my feelings about organized religion, I do believe in God. To believe in the existance of God means I have the ability to ask for help. I am asking for help.

I suddenly realized that much of my zealous working of the program had been the exercise of my own limited power. With a new and sincere humility, I asked God to remove my shortcomings. When I saw the alcoholic the next morning, it was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes. I saw her suffering, struggling to stay sober, and I had compassion for my own struggle as well. My self-pity and resentment were gone.

In my mind and under my circumstances I need to focus entirely on this single idea:

I see her suffering, struggling to stay sober, and I have compassion for my own struggle as well. My self-pity and resentment are gone.

What does humility mean to me? List people know who possess this trait.

Humility means the ability to be respectful and empathetic

How am I humble? What can help me to be more so?

I'd like to think I'm working towards that goal but I know I'm nowhere near it. Practice by action (shop at Walmart without judgement)

What old behaviors get in the way of my being humble?

Being judgemental and being critical.

What defects am I ready to have removed?

Being judgemental and critical.

Do I believe that my Higher Power can rid me of my defects? How do I know this?

Yes. I just need to believe that I am willing to let God rid me of these defects. It's not something I can just will....I need help.

Am I ready to ask God to remove my defects?


I have some quiet reflection to do now.
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