Thread: My Resentment
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by sesh View Post
I do believe the resentment comes from this same place for most of us, and it is, I guess, natural that once the hard reality knock us we feel hurt, betrayed, cheated, resentful and angry. But I guess the most important question for us on this side of the fence is what do we do with it. Do we let it run our lives or we make that final decision to let go of it and move ourselves to the better place?
I think it was Freedom who said it once: feeling resentmet is like drinking the poison yourself and waiting for your enemy to die. I agree with that.
Once I made the decision to remove resentment from my life and all other negative things that were only hurting me, I had to find a way to do it. It was a process, during which I've learned a lot.
I've realized my RAH didn't hurt me deliberately but because he couldn't do better for whatever reason. He couldn't be who I wanted him to be. I could either take reality for what it is or I could keep trying to bend it my way.
IMHO it is about our exectations and forgivens too. Mainy forgivnes to ourselves. Accepting the fact that we too did the best we knew and could under the circumstances. IMO nothing in life is black or white, life consits of all shade in between. It is not about fair or unfair, but about making most of our reality, about trusting things happen for some reason even though we can not understand that reason all the time. I believe my HP has been constantly giving me signs, I just needed to get to the point to start being able to read them. For that to happen I had to open up and surrender, let go of my expectations and let life itself present itself to me in all its beauty, in both good times but the bad ones too, that were always there to teach me something.
During this process, that I privately call my quest for myself, the resentment and anger just slipped off me like oversized dress, costume meant for someone that is not me, and for the first time in my life I felt free and trully happy.
The past is past, I don't run away from it, it has caused me a great deal of pain, but it has also thought me some trully valuable lessons. What matters is this moment in time, and what do I make of it. I'm not saying that any of this is easy, but practise makes it perfect.
this is a really great post, thanks for this
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