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Old 03-14-2010, 11:23 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Posts: 318
Learning Life's Lessons

Despite the fact that I live with myself every minute of my life, sometimes I get a kick from the universe that teaches me something new about myself. Last night was no exception.

Last night my friend held a dinner party in my honour for my birthday. I showed up at his house with my tea in hand. We hung out, chatted, waited for the remaining guests to arrive, and I switched to my new favourite drink - ginger ale with a splash of orange juice. I am also happy to announce that when it came time for the toast in my honour, I toasted with ginger ale, while they toasted me with wine.

Something did happen, though, that surprised me. My friends like to smoke marijuana. Although I have smoked it on a handful of occasions, it is not something I have really been into. Alcohol is definitely my DOC.

I was outside with my friends while they were smoking, and was presented with the offer to partake. I thought to myself, "I'm giving up alcohol, and this isn't alcohol, so what can it hurt? This way, I get a buzz and technically I am still maintaining my goal of not drinking."


I took a step back in my head and tried to rationalize what I was considering. If I took a haul, I would not be gaining anything. I would not have learned anything. The changes I am making would be for nothing. I thought about this site. This site is called "Sober Recovery". It is not called "Substitute One Means of Escape for Another".

It was at that moment that the universe opened up and a really big bright light shone upon me. The reason I do what I do is that I am looking for a way to escape even for a few hours. I live a life that is controlled by responsibilities, and the consumption of mind altering substances gives me the opportunity to abandon control. But everything always has a price. What would the price be this time if I took that haul?

There was only one way to answer the question. I did the "risk vs reward" calculation in my head. I realized that I did not want to know the answer to the question that badly. I politely said "no thanks". The reward was much greater by saying "no" as I was given a huge wealth of insight into myself.

I am an addict.

I am not addicted to any particular drug. I am addicted to the escape. I am addicted to the abandonment of self-control. Learning this is a huge milestone for me.

I am still trying to figure out what will give me that sense of inner peace that I am constantly searching for. I am still searching for a way to accept my circumstances for what they are and for why they are the way they are. There are still so many questions yet to be answered. But I learned last night it is a heck of a lot easier to answer them by staying sober and by doing a lot of good honest introspection.

As my birthday weekend comes to a close, I don't feel any older. But I do feel a lot more mature.

I'm finally growing up.
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