Thread: I am tired
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Old 02-21-2010, 01:08 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by leathertom View Post
So we have a few easy does it ideas that we've seen work consistently over the span of the program,Only you know what you need to change
1Dont get too ,Hungry,Angry ,Lonely ,Tired,,
A lot of people dont know the difference between creul love and tough love.
I am alchoholic,Bipolar,ADD,and was raped as a 4yr old kid.People like me dont make it.Im 25yrs3mths sober.I get like you a lot,Just plain angry and tired,But i ve found a way to work a program and that it works me,God works me through the steps to see that I have free will,something I didnt think Id ever get,as my isms I ,SELF ,ME, EGO ,etc made my decisions for me,so I was always at odds with my true self.So when my sponser said you have freewill to choose,I felt he was giving me a ration of bs till I felt as you posted abt people who didnt careabt how what they said.But evetually I stayed sober and found out that no matter what happened to me ,,,today I had a choice as to what and where and who i wanted to be and experience,
So its up to you to uncover,discover ,and then discard what doesnt work for you and keep that which god no peaceKNOW GOD KNOW PEACE
H.A.L.T. I remember this one from rehab, sure helped me too. You make a lot of good points,...Awesome,....
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