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Old 11-23-2009, 05:33 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
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Tazman53's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Fredericksburg, Va.
Posts: 9,730
Welcome to LightAtTheEnd, Gndrdo, and Bex.

You know the best day to quit? Today!!!!!

Alcoholism is a progressive disease, it gets worse with every drink, it never gets better and it never levels off, it always gets worse as long as an alcoholic continues to drink. This is fact, not one old mans opinion, do some research on alcoholism you will find the above fact to be very true.

Here is a quote from the book Alcoholics Anonymous which simply backs up from experience what the medical community has found to be true:

We alcoholics are men and women who have lost
the ability to control our drinking. We know that no
real alcoholic ever recovers control. All of us felt at
times that we were regaining control, but such intervals--
usually brief--were inevitably followed by still
less control, which led in time to pitiful and incomprehensible
demoralization. We are convinced to a man
that alcoholics of our type are in the grip of a progressive
illness. Over any considerable period we get
worse, never better.
My pride kept me from getting the help I needed to quit drinking for many years, I doubt if I drew a sober breath the last 5 years I drank.

I had this insane idea that my will power alone would one day over come the insanity of my drinking, perhaps it could have when I was young and had not been drinking that long, but I crossed a line that I could not see, a line that is refered to as alcoholism.

After 40 years of drinking and finding myself alone facing this madness of my drinking, ready to lose all in just a matter of time I surrendered to the fact that I had no idea how to get sober at that time and I sure had no idea how to stay sober because for many years I would be able to stop for a while and then convince myself that this time will be different and I would start drinking again..... every time I started again it just kept getting worse and worse.

Any how I surrundered to the fact that I needed HELP!!!

I saw a doctor, he put me into medical detox.

In medical detox they told us "If you want a chance at long term sobriety that we needed to go to at least 90 AA meetings in 90 days and get a sponsor.

In AA the folks in AA & my sponsor suggested strongly that if I wanted a real chance at long term sobriety to take the steps.

Well I took the steps, I still go to meetings 2-3 times a week, thanks to the fellowship of AA & the program of AA which led me to a Power greater then myself of my choosing, I have been sober over 3 years and have not obsessed for a drink in about 3 years.

Is AA the only way? Absolutely not, it is the one that worked for me and millions of others, but there are other programs, some folks use multiple programs.... what ever it takes, just be williing to do what ever it takes!

You are not alone, there is a solution, I found one!
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