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Old 10-31-2009, 02:44 PM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Belgian Sheepdog Adictee
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but I tend to complicate things by trying to recover in a few days,
I was at a meeting with my sponsor and I was maybe 6 weeks sober. There was a lady getting a 20 year cake.

Now I swear my sponsor knew what I was thinking before I did, because before I could say a word, she looked me dead in the eye and said "you will get 20 years ONE DAY AT A TIME just like everybody else does." roflmao and she was right!

It is One Day At A Time. Get your butt to some meetings. Listen to the men until you hear one of them that really pi**es you off. That is the one to ask to be your sponsor, providing he has worked the steps and is now living them, because what is irritating you is the 'truth' he speaks.

Then listen and do as that sponsor asks of you even when YOU DON'T WANT TO. Do the 90 meetings in 90 days, which did come from some rehabs programs. Goes to the theory that you can change a habit in 90 days. What that will do is get you 'in the habit' of attending meetings. Can't hurt you. Talk with your sponsor A LOT and I do mean A LOT.

When I asked Bev to be my sponsor she explained to me that her 'job' as my sponsor was to show me what was in the first 164 pages of the BB of AA, to show me how she had applied those 164 pages to her life to give me a basis to work from. Well she and Hugh did much more than that, but it was a great start.

Do the Pro and Con Lists to find out if you are really ready to give up the sauce. IF you are, you know what you need to do for you. It won't be easy, as a matter of fact it will be damn hard, harder than anything you have ever tried before, but you can use that stubbornness that we seem to have toward a good thing for you.


Love and hugs,
laurie6781 is offline