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Old 08-15-2008, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by mjs View Post
think what I was really getting at when I started this thread but didn't realize it at the time was that evil and suffering is evidence against God. I found a new way of looking at it though when I read "The Reason for God" by Tim Keller. First he summarizes J.L. Mackies case made against God(The Miracle of Theism)...if a good and powerful God exists he would not allow pointless evil,but because there is much unjustifiable, pointless evil in the world, the traditional good and powerful God could not exist. Some other god or no god may exist, but not the traditional God. Then he refutes this.." Tucked away within the assertion that the world is filled with pointless evil is a hidden premise, namely, that if evil appears pointless to me, then it must be pointless. . Just because you can't see or imagine a good reason why God might allow something to happen does not mean there can't be one. Again we see lurking within supposedly hard nosed skepticism an enormous faith in one's own cognitive faculties. If our minds can't plumb the depths of the universe for good answers to suffering,well, then, there can't be any!"

At any rate it is helping me make sense of things...hope it helps you...see ya!!!!
Just because you can't see or imagine a good reason why the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not mean there can't be one. Atheism requires no faith. It is simply a lack of belief in assertions that others have made. We're not tying to make sense of things and not looking for help. We're perfectly happy with our secular beliefs. That's why we're here.
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