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Old 05-20-2002, 10:05 AM
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helluvagalnva's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Virginia
Posts: 175

((((((( Bonbon )))))))

and here's another (((((( Bonbon ))))))

I thought you needed a few hugs! I defintely understand your pain. I've never gone through anything like that as far as the pregnancy with another woman but I know what it feels like as far as OTHER women and that's plural. I never thought that he would have affairs even after it was right in my face I was still in denial - what a stupid ass I was.

I haven't been posting over the weekend either. I went to the beach but I didn't have much fun. I had a real hard time with things as well. I even had thoughts of driving off the road ending my life and thinking would any one really miss me. that's awful to say but I really thought that way. I just want all of the pain to go away.

I don't have a whole lot to say other than hang in there. Tomorrow is a new day. That's how I'm looking at it anyway. It seems to help. I hope things will go better for you tonight. E-mail me anytime that you want. I'll always be here for you whether it's just an ear, shoulder, or whatever you need.

Princess -

I know I probably shouldn't say this but I'm going to. Girl - Run like hell and as fast as you can! If I knew then what I know now - I would have ran like hell as far from my A as I could go. I loved him with every inch of my heart and soul and he felt the same for me. They always say the addict always hurts the ones closest to them the most. That is so true!!!

And yes it is always about HIM. You have been given an opportunity not to get wrapped up in his sick life - take advantage of it while you still have a chance. I know you love him but sometimes it's best for yourself to love without being together. You deserve to love and to be loved by someone who you can be in a healthy relationship with and who can give as much as you do. Addicts always seem to take and take without giving much if anything in return.

I'm sorry if that sounds so harsh but I just don't want the same things to happen to you. They really do suck you up without even noticing what's going on until it's too late then you're already hooked. Addicts are masters of manipulation and lies. They have a way of making you doubt yourself and your sanity.

Take care -

Lots of love
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