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Old 05-15-2002, 12:22 PM
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Nature Girl
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Join Date: Mar 2002
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Sometimes the only way I can stop spinning is to get off the merry-go-round. Sometimes I have to physically take myself somewhere else away from the chaos. When my son lived with me, it was chaos every day. Even when things were okay, the potential for a bad day was always there like an elephant in my living room. I love him with all my heart, but he can't live at home - period.

I have times, like you, when I want to scream STOP!!ENOUGH!!I CAN'T TAKE IT!! That is when I know that "I" have to take some action. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Sometimes I just ride the storm, but when I know that the storm will continue until I open my umbrella, then I do something to get out of the situation.

I wish I had a quick fix answer for you. Maybe someone else has some better advise. But my guess is that this situation is not going to get any better left as it is. (It seems to get worse now with pregnant lady and all).

If you have a sponsor, or friends from meetings, maybe they can help you too.

I will pray for you too, and I know that God always has a plan for us, but I guess sometimes He has to plant dynamite under us to get us to move in a better direction.

Hugs and Prayers

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