Thread: Just the facts
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Old 09-01-2006, 12:19 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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I'm not sure what the 'concept' includes but the above list doesn't have much to do with what disease means or is.

For info here's the dictionary meaning from google:
dis·ease (dĭ-zēz')
1. A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
2. A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful.
I've skipped the obsolete meaning because it's obsolete!! Pathological means 'of the body' rather than inherent from birth or used in the negative setting of 'pathological liar'.

I have never yet seen a debate, discussion or dialogue that discusses the issues in reference to what disease actually means, well not on forums or from those against the disease concept, or from those pushing a 'concept' attached to the word disease.

I have however noted that research is busy simply doing what it does with any disease, investigation, theory, test, revisions, conclusions, questions, theories.....

The above is why I will no longer get involved with the concept others attach or the dignity given to that concept by arguing back as though it's in any way related to what disease is or means.
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