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Conquering Your Fear


Sober Recovery Expert Author

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Fear is a complex emotion for most people entering recovery. There is dread that they will begin to slip into old patterns; patterns that will lead them right back into addiction.

Learning to walk through fear into a new way of life is the path of recovery. Every situation which was reason for escape becomes a challenge. For someone new in recovery, it is a daunting one.

Addiction counselor Kelly McClanahan discusses how fear can be the biggest roadblock to recovery, and gives insights as to how you can conquer it.

Recognize Your Fear

Recognizing fear when it comes into play is important. Many newly recovering people do not know how to identify their fear, or will deny they are afraid. And fear can be sparked by anything: a job interview, a test, the dentist, going to court, facing their families, weddings, a funerals, the list is endless.

An understanding sponsor and friends are necessary to help bolster courage. They will gain a great deal of strength as they master each intimidating situation and come through it without falling back into old patterns of either avoidance and/or escape via addictive behaviors.

Silence Can Be Deadly

For some reason, fear is the most powerful emotion that recovering people deal with. When kept to oneself, it becomes impossible for that person to overcome. Historically, chances are good that their only source of courage and fortitude came from an addictive substance or behavior. Without that, they will become immobilized and frozen in fear, unable to participate in life at any level.

Dwelling in fear can become the onset of phobic behaviors for many recovering people. Their silence is a deadly foe that needs fresh air to be vanquished. Working in recovery requires a great deal of honesty in discussing fears, and talking through them leads to a mastery over them.

Without their substance or behavior of choice, many will not even know how to recognize the impact that fear has had on their lives. Some will not admit to having felt fear, and many will continue this bluff for some time after they begin their recovery. But identifying, discussing, and working through fear is the gateway into real recovery.

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