Dominica Applegate

Sober Recovery Expert Author

Dominica Applegate has worked in the mental health field for 12 years before launching her own business as a writer. Specializing in addictions, relationships, codependency, fitness, and health, her writing work is ultimately about helping people remove blocks that keep them stuck to create a life that they love. Dominica earned her Master's in Counseling from Liberty University and her BS in Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. She is the author of three recent books including Recycle Your Pain (2015), The Pain, It Shapes Her World (2017), and Into the Wild, a Shadow Work Journal.

hands holding light

Carrying the Message of Recovery, Not the Addict

By Dominica Applegate

As you move forward in your journey, it's important to remember that your past addiction does not define who you are. Here's ho... Continue Reading

Wondering what to get your newly recovered loved one? Here are 10 wonderful holiday gifts for those new on the road of sobriety. Continue Reading

man lying awake on his bed

10 Non-Pharmaceutical Ways to Treat Insomnia

By Dominica Applegate

Do you ever have trouble falling asleep? If so, which of these remedies have worked for you? Continue Reading

illustration of year 2016

5 Reasons Why 2016 is Officially Your Year of Change

By Dominica Applegate

With the year coming to a close, many people come to wonder where time has gone and contemplate how things might be different i... Continue Reading

woman suffering from symptoms of alcohol withdrawal

5 Common Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

By Dominica Applegate

It's common to have some anxiety about experiencing withdrawal symptoms, but knowing what to expect ahead of time can help calm... Continue Reading

recovering addict

7 Good Habits Every Recovering Addict Should Have

By Dominica Applegate

Cultivating good habits can help you to feel happier and more productive in life. Continue Reading

active addict crossing the street with arrows pointing in opposite directions

Rehab programs, either far and near home, will certainly help you progress towards sobriety. Continue Reading

woman recovering from years of emotional abuse

3 Steps to Heal From Emotional Abuse

By Dominica Applegate

Here are 3 important steps to help you find the healing you need. Continue Reading

woman taking a selfie

Selfie Addiction: Editing for Perfection

By Dominica Applegate

Like many other addictions, there are large underlying issues to be addressed. Continue Reading

hands holding hearts

If you have a loved one in recovery, your love and support can make a tremendous difference in their path towards change. Here ... Continue Reading