Dominica Applegate

Sober Recovery Expert Author

Dominica Applegate has worked in the mental health field for 12 years before launching her own business as a writer. Specializing in addictions, relationships, codependency, fitness, and health, her writing work is ultimately about helping people remove blocks that keep them stuck to create a life that they love. Dominica earned her Master's in Counseling from Liberty University and her BS in Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. She is the author of three recent books including Recycle Your Pain (2015), The Pain, It Shapes Her World (2017), and Into the Wild, a Shadow Work Journal.

5 Things You Definitely Won't Miss About Drinking

By Dominica Applegate

If you start to think about drinking, look back and remember these not-so-great things it has put your through in life. Continue Reading

11 Things You Can Do Right Now Instead of Drinking

By Dominica Applegate

If you think being sober cuts out your source of fun, think again. There are plenty of enjoyable things you can do without reac... Continue Reading

Woman leaves rehab looking forward to the rest of her life

Housing After Recovery: Getting Back on Your Feet

By Dominica Applegate

Getting back on your feet after recovery oftentimes involves moving into a new place. Here are some helpful tips for your housi... Continue Reading

Woman contemplates her decisions during active addiction

How to Successfully Stop Playing the Blame Game

By Dominica Applegate

If you are in the habit of blaming others for any area of your current situation, you're likely to struggle inside and invite n... Continue Reading

Man determined to get sober

The Role of Self-Reliance in Addiction Recovery

By Dominica Applegate

When it comes to recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction, it’s normal to wonder if you have what it takes to stay sober for ... Continue Reading

How to Relieve Anxiety at Work

By Dominica Applegate

If you ever get anxious at work and thoughts of drinking come to mind, try the following tips to help you relax. Continue Reading

Woman sitting and meditating

5 Powerful Mantras to Use When Starting Recovery

By Dominica Applegate

Similar to an antivirus software for your computer, repeating a mantra to yourself helps clear your mind of negative thoughts s... Continue Reading

couple sity by a lake pondering sobriety

It's not impossible for two alcoholics to have a lasting relationship, but it typically alludes to mayhem, drama and dysfunctio... Continue Reading

Older man sitting on a log deep in thought

What If Addiction is Your Wake-Up Call?

By Dominica Applegate

Recognizing what your innermost self is trying to tell you can give you the opportunity to finally stop running away so you can... Continue Reading

true friend

4 Basic Attributes of a True Friend

By Dominica Applegate

Now that you're in recovery, your friendships may take on a new meaning or you may find yourself seeking new friends. Here are ... Continue Reading