Reasons Why People get Addicted to Drugs


Alcohol addicts could often decide it is high-time to cut down on their drinking yet, as they attempt to carry out their self-oath, problems arise that lead them into worry and concern, which in turn could make the addict pick up yet more alcohol and produce excuses to defend his or her actions. Conversely, when someone is addicted to sexual activity, they may often wonder 'why me'?

Pornography and Obscenity are the main source of sexual deviants and we can see that pornography and obscenity popularised and permeating right through society, and all class-levels, reaching back to a time B.C... Prostitution and deviant sexual activities have been issues long before present-day, yet a person may wonder 'why is this happening to me'?. Yet sexual addictions are very different, because many types of sex addicts include pedophiles, killers, rapists, etc.

Gamblers. Addicts of gambling have backers, which include needs, greediness, self-centeredness, etc and these backers reach all the way to the all-mighty dollar, power and control. The main bulk of gamblers make every effort to grasp power and control via the power of money. Cold, hard cash. The impulses can drive the addict to carry out a multitude of crimes, in particular if their gambling is not 'filling the need'. Gambling can then lead to killings, robberies, etc and even, in some cases, to extreme degeneracy.

Alcohol addicts could often decide it is high-time to cut down on their drinking yet, as they attempt to carry out their self-oath, problems arise that lead them into worry and concern, which in turn could make the addict pick up yet more alcohol and produce excuses to defend his or her actions. Conversely, when someone is addicted to sexual activity, they may often wonder 'why me'?

'Accepted' signs of gambling addictions?

Many people seem to think that if you are losing time at work, or even time at school in some cases, directly as a result from gambling habits, then in all probability you have a problem. Do your family and friends see you as a greedy, sick, person? In other words, what has the gambling done to your name, or position in the community? Do you feel embarrassed because of your gambling problem? Do you routinely obtain cash to help support your gambling habits? Are these gambling habits putting dark and dangerous thoughts in your head, such as mugging, theft, etc?

Cocaine addicts may ask 'what is it about the drug that makes me crave it'? Cocaine is a form of speed that gets one high for a relatively short time, but once the high ceases the person will start to crave all over again. This leads to a dependency and addiction to drugs. Some people will 'snort' a line of cocaine, and after extended use of any drug, the high does not give them the same 'boost' it did at first, and as a result they increase the lines. In addition, after extended use, and the drug is not working as it did before, the person could resort to crack cocaine or heroin.

Often, someone heavily addicted to cocaine, will let their addictions invade parts of his or her life they can ill afford to buy drugs, and will go to any lengths to find money to get the drug. As you can easily imagine, this drug rates as extremely addictive, so what makes one desire the drug are the ingredients. Cocaine can also be found in the form of rocks (known as crack), etc.

Those with love and relationship addictions are almost always angry within, as the instinct for nurturing was absent from early childhood, or the person was often left alone during his or her early stages of life. Very often these people would suffer severe depression and would physically change their situation and people in an extreme effort to control others. This person understands elements of relationships, like attachments, magnetism, and sex as a human need.

Impulses, or urges, are a reaction, or drive that forces our body forward, conveying behaviors. Impulses, if not self-regulated, will cause a person to react on sudden unprompted ides or tendencies, building up to unplanned action. At the point that the impulses are imbalanced, a person can often fall into addiction. These 'urges' can then become an uncontrolled reaction, which could propel one to obsess or other compulsive behaviour. This is the main, problematic area, with many of those persons heavily addicted to any form of drug, alcohol, nicotine, eating, gambling, etc.

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