Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Street Names

Crackers LSD; Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.
One and Ones Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.
Pharming Consuming a mixture of prescription substances
Poor man's heroin Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.
Set Place where drugs are sold; Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.
Speedball Cocaine mixed with heroin; crack and heroin smoked together; methylphenidate (ritalin) mixed with heroin; amphetamine
Ts and Rits Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.
Ts and Rs Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.
Vitamin R Ritalin (methylphenidate)
West Coast Methylphenidate (ritalin)
Check out this list of methylphenidate (ritalin) street terms and definitions.
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