Harmful Effects of Excessive intake of Alcohol


People drink alcoholic beverages at parties, meetings, get together, bars, and sometimes even at home to wind down after a full load of work. Alcohol in moderation can be fun and allow you to relax after a long day or week of work. However alcohol is also considered to be a “downer” type of drug, so you should not drink it if you are depressed. Drinking while you are depressed will usually just make you feel more depressed. You should only drink alcohol to have a good time or relax, but you should be careful and not drink too much, because it can cause many different problems in your life. The negative effects of drinking too much alcohol can be divided into short term effects and long term effects.

The negative short term effects of drinking too much alcohol are loss of judgment, loss of coordination, blurred vision, slurring of speech, and loss of balance. These negative effects can cause you to make bad decisions while you are drunk, and these effects are also the reason that you never want to drive when you have been drinking. If you drink too much alcohol you can experience some extreme negative effects. These include unconsciousness, coma, and even death.

People drink alcoholic beverages at parties, meetings, get together, bars, and sometimes even at home to wind down after a full load of work. Alcohol in moderation can be fun and allow you to relax after a long day or week of work. However alcohol is also considered to be a "downer" type of drug, so you should not drink it if you are depressed.

Not only can drinking too much alcohol cause negative short term effects, but it can also cause negative long term effects. These long term effects include loss of brain cells, liver failure, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer, epilepsy, nerve damage, and heart failure. Drinking too much alcohol is not a good idea, because as you can see it can cause serious problems in your life. If the abuse of alcohol does not cause immediate problems, then excessive use over a period of time can cause major problems down the line. Everyone can have a drink, but Alcoholism is a severe issue that must be addressed in a right way.

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