Methcathinone: General Information and Its Effects


History of Methcathinone

Methcathinone is a natural stimulant drug, cathinone, which is found in the khat plant, Cathula edulis, which is native to the horn of Africa and southern Arabian peninsula.

Methcathinone is a natural stimulant drug, cathinone, which is found in the khat plant, Cathula edulis, which is native to the horn of Africa and southern Arabian peninsula.

Methcathinone was first synthesized in Germany in 1928. It was used medically in the Soviet Union as an anti-depressant during the 1930's and 1940's. Methcathinone has reportedly been used as a recreational drug in the Soviet Union since the late 1960's.

In the mid-1950's Parke Davis & Company, a U.S. drug making company, experimented with the drug. The aim of the studies was to see if there was a medical use for methcathinone.

They may have tested it as a weight loss drug and antidepressant. But methcathinone dangers were thought to outweigh its potential value in a clinical setting. Parke Davis quickly brought its research to an end and abandoned research with the drug.

In 1989 methcathinone made its recreational debut in the United States. At that time a University of Michigan student who was working at Parke Davis found a quantity of the drug and a copy of the manufacturing process. He decided to bring it home and undertake some study of the drug on his own.

The student and his friends seemed to like the effects of the drug and decided to share their love with the rest of the world. A year later they were synthesizing and selling their own version of the product. Use spread from Michigan to the rest of the States. By 1992, methcathinone was being sold everywhere. Methcathinone was classified as a schedule I controlled substance on May 1, 1992.

Synthesis of cat does not require complicated lab equipment to make. Ephedrine is often used to manufacture methcathinone. Because of this ephedrine sellers have to give the DEA buyers names and addresses. So, if you plan on buying ephedrine be prepared to furnish some form of identification before the supplier will sell to you.


Clandestinely manufactured, methcathinone is almost exclusively sold in the stable and highly water soluble hydrochloride salt form.

The effects of methcathinone intoxication are similar to those of produced by amphetamines, crack, and cocaine. These effects can include: feelings of euphoria, increased alertness, increased heart rate, rapid breathing and dilated pupils.

Similar to other stimulants, methcathinone can amplify the action of norepinephrine and dopamine. Unusual stimulation of these two neurotransmitters can cause strange behaviour in some individuals. Negative effects can include: anxiety, convulsions, delusions, fever, hallucinations, headaches, insomnia, irregular heart rate, muscle, witching, paranoia, restlessness and tremors.

Use of Methcathinone

Methcathinone can be taken orally, smoked, injected, or snorted. The most common method being used is nasal inhalation. The effects usually remain for 4 to 6 hours. Tolerance and dependence can both extend quickly. The common street name for Methcathinone is 'Cat'

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